In Germany, approximately 10 million sinusitis diagnoses are made per year. Thus, sinusitis is one of the most common medical problems in Germany. Sinusitis is more common than arthritis or high blood pressure and makes life more difficult than diabetes or heart failure. Patients suffer not only physically, but also mentally.
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, which can be caused by bacteria and viruses. With closed excretory ducts, there is no outflow of nasal secretions. This condition eventually leads to inflammation and infection of the paranasal sinuses.
What is meant by paranasal sinus?
The paranasal sinuses are air-filled pockets located near the nose in the bony part of the facial skull.
There are four different types of paranasal sinuses on each half of the face.
Each sinus has one excretory duct for the outflow of mucus. Drainage of mucus is a completely normal process that maintains a healthy state of the paranasal sinuses.
Sinusitis is usually caused by colds, allergies, or environmental stressors.
Symptoms such as increased intranasal pressure and nasal congestion caused by sinusitis occur within a few days. Prolonged symptoms can lead to a bacterial infection, which is what doctors call acute sinusitis. With the frequent occurrence of this condition, lasting at least three months or more, we can talk about chronic sinusitis.
- Facial pain, feeling of pressure or swelling
- Nasal congestion
- Loss of smell
- Headache
- Fatigue and state of prostration
The most common forms of treatment for chronic sinusitis are medical therapy and/or conventional sinus surgery. Sprays, antibiotics and cortisone preparations are used as medications in drug therapy. Conventional sinus surgery or balloon catheter dilatation may be the next step in treatment.
Step 1: If your doctor uses the balloon catheter dilatation method, he first inserts a paranasal exit catheter and a flexible exit wire through the nasal opening into the corresponding paranasal cavity. Through this wire, the balloon catheter is pushed into the nasal cavity as if on a rail.
Step 2: The balloon catheter is pushed exactly to the level of the blocked constriction and gently deployed.
Step 3: When the balloon catheter is pulled back, there is usually an open, re-created excretory duct and a normally functioning paranasal sinus.
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