A disorder of the act of swallowing is a violation of the reception, preparation and transportation of food from the oral cavity to the stomach.
A disorder in the act of swallowing can occur temporarily with inflammation of the tonsils, or it can last for some time with some neurological diseases.
A disorder in the act of swallowing can be the result of diseases of the brain, nerves, oral cavity, larynx, pharynx or esophagus. Disrupted food intake can lead to malnutrition, and can also be dangerous for the lungs in case of frequent choking.
Regular preventive examinations can help to detect signs of the onset of the disease in a timely manner.
The disorder of the act of swallowing can be expressed in different ways. In principle, this applies to all of the above organs and phases of the act of swallowing, or it can occur only with different food consistency. Unwanted weight loss and frequent swallowing are important symptoms of a swallowing disorder that should be taken seriously. Speech impairment indicates that there may be obstacles to the preparation and transport of food in the oral cavity.
Diagnosis is an examination of all organs that are necessary for the swallowing process, and their functions.
Treatment is prescribed individually, depending on the type and degree of the disorder. With prolonged violations, the course of treatment often includes therapeutic exercises.
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