Tinnitus most often occurs suddenly. Short-term noises lasting from a second to several minutes occur from time to time in ¾ of all people, and this is normal.
Prolonged tinnitus is referred to as "tinnitus" - ringing in the ear.
Often the cause of tinnitus is acute damage to the inner ear (directly to the organ of hearing, the cochlea). At first, hearing loss is often expressed as tinnitus. This condition can often be accompanied by pressure in the ear, hearing loss, distorted hearing, and dizziness.
Can stress cause this disease? Yes and no. To date, parallels are known between this disease and myocardial infarction. Acute circulatory disorders, as well as other risk factors typical for heart disease: high blood pressure, high blood fat, high cholesterol, smoking. Analysis is very important.
Noise caused by different equipment for cleaning leaves, discotheque, listening to MP3 player, etc. is an increasing cause of tinnitus, especially among young people.
Cases of identification of infectious agents such as borreliosis carried by ticks have also become more frequent (vaccination against this disease does not yet exist).
Rarely, but there are cases of benign tumors located along the auditory nerve and nerve vestibule to the brain.
When tinnitus occurs, action must be taken. Acute tinnitus, with or without hearing loss, is not currently considered a medical emergency, and the chances of successful treatment will not decrease even hours after the onset of tinnitus, but delays for several days, much less weeks cannot be allowed.
Parallel diagnosis, treatment of acute tinnitus is possible at the EuromedClinic. All the necessary specialists are available here: a neurologist - in case it is necessary to examine the arteries of the cerebral blood supply or any other dysfunctions, as well as if it is necessary to measure the bioelectrical activity of the brain or take a sample of cerebral fluid, specialists in internal medicine will be involved in identifying an irregular heart rhythm and, if necessary, an examination blood pressure and blood counts, orthopedists will help to identify diseases of the spine and shoulder girdle, if it is necessary to take into account past accidents, dentistry will help, if necessary, to examine the mandibular joint or the condition of the teeth, radiology is necessary when determining the picture of the condition of the inner ear, nerves, brain structures including cerebral vessels.
All causes of the disease known to medicine are examined and found. Due to its technical equipment, the neurootology division, as one of the areas of the otorhinolaryngology department, allows for a detailed examination of hearing impairment, the vestibular apparatus, which is necessary for prescribing therapy.
Psychotherapy, psychosomatic medicine, stress relief, alternative therapies, including acupuncture, are applied depending on individual needs. Acute hearing loss and tinnitus: a complex disease pattern requiring interdisciplinary diagnosis and treatment. Rational coordination, management and collaboration, assessment of the situation and conclusion at an interdisciplinary level - we work together and achieve the best possible result.
If this disease is suspected, therapy and detailed diagnostics are carried out in parallel, the purpose of which is to improve the metabolism in the inner ear. Medicines help improve blood circulation and thereby contribute to the influx of more nutrients and the well-established removal of metabolic products.
Improved supply of oxygen and microelements is also achieved by the medical method. Depending on the severity of the disease and its duration, drug treatment can be in the form of tablets or injections; in more complex cases, infusion therapy is used in a hospital.
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