
The immune system is a defense system against substances foreign to the body and against other microorganisms that try to enter our body and possibly harm it.


Dosed sports loads, as a rule, activate, train and strengthen the immune system. With the help of training, the performance of the muscular system, cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems improves.

High-intensity and/or high-volume training loads (for example, at training camps) trigger a stress response in the body, which, together with often present psychological stress (for example, when pitting professional and sporting activities against family), can overstress the immune system. An important factor in this process is cortisone produced by the body, which, being a stress hormone, depresses the immune system.. This quality is also used for medicinal purposes, for example, in such autoimmune diseases as rheumatism, in which the immune system works against its own body, so to speak, is incorrectly programmed.


The first and most important protection for athletes against infectious diseases is reasonable, targeted and dosed training loads, for example, training with heart rate control within the correct load limits.

In addition, it is advisable:

  • maintain the necessary regeneration intervals after training loads and competitions;
  • rejection of extreme sports performance at training camps or on extended weekends;
  • proper nutrition;
  • correct sports uniform and equipment;
  • adequate sleep time, avoiding additional stress;
  • the use of additional drugs (zinc: strengthens and stabilizes the immune system, echinacea: a plant-based substance that stimulates the immune system).

Hardening procedures provoke and thus train the body's immune system. Outdoor training has a stimulating effect on the athlete's immune system due to the temperature difference in endurance sports. Outdoor training, along with solar radiation and wind, are natural hardening tools.

Visits to the sauna (1-2 times a week), as well as morning contrast showers (cold, hot, cold ... cold) have proven themselves especially well. Additional ultraviolet radiation / solarium in reasonable doses has a strengthening and exciting effect in winter on our immune system.


The initial symptom of a cold is usually a slight chill. Soon there are sore throats, runny nose, muscle and joint pain. The decisive factor in this situation is immediate action.


The first step is to stop exercising. Especially contraindicated are intense and very long loads, which weaken the immune system for a short time. An absolute contraindication to training loads is an increase in body temperature. In this case, there is a serious danger of deterioration in health, up to inflammation of the heart muscle.

Avoid hypothermia: for example, hypothermia of the feet temporarily weakens the immune system. We have accumulated a lot of positive experience with the consumption of tea from various herbal teas by athletes, they exist in the form of ready-made mixtures in a pharmacy, such mixtures can be selected individually after consulting a doctor. Additional vitamins. Especially the intake of vitamin C (about 1 gram per day) and the use of zinc (preferably in the form of lozenges) pay off for shortening the duration of the disease.
Steam baths with chamomile, mint or eucalyptus oil. Rest, bed rest.

If the fever does not exceed 39.5 degrees, an artificial decrease in body temperature in otherwise healthy people is not indicated, as the body tries to defeat pathogens with the help of increased temperature.

Seeing Your Doctor Early: Your doctor will decide if you need antibiotic treatment. As a rule, if a viral infection is diagnosed, the use of antibiotics is useless. If antibiotics are used, then purposefully for a sufficiently long period. Within reasonable limits, experienced physicians can successfully use to strengthen the immune system and mitigate inflammation and treatments that are not burdened by side effects, such as acupuncture or homeopathy, sometimes in combination with other therapies or as independent therapeutic measures.
