
The use of an operative method of cancer treatment allows surgeons to save the mammary glands in 70% cases. This became possible with the use of plastic reconstructive surgery methods, while using the body's own tissues, tissues of the breast itself and adjacent tissues. In the event that the breast still needs to be removed, the patients are offered the possibility of plastic breast reconstruction.

Modern, high-quality and patient-oriented team work

The Center for Breast Surgery is the one-stop shop for all aspects of breast surgery: aesthetic, reconstructive and microsurgery, as well as revision surgery in case of complications and obtaining an independent second opinion before or after breast surgery.

In the whole of Europe, only a few centers have such a high number of cases, thanks to four to six breast reconstruction operations per week using autologous tissues.

Our vast experience, thanks to the regular use of all available surgical methods (up to 10 operations daily), allows us not only to give an objective and independent assessment of your personal situation, but also to treat you in accordance with the latest medical knowledge.

The professors of the center and their team organize the annual International Breast Symposium Düsseldorf (IBSD; breast-symposium.com) with operations live from the clinic and an international teaching staff. This symposium is today one of the most prestigious breast meetings in the world, which provides our patients with the most modern methods of surgical treatment and therapy.

Our goal is to give you enough confidence to make a decision and work with you to find the best option for you.

Breast reconstruction

Reconstruction with own tissues

The main direction of the clinic is reconstruction with the patient's own tissues, which allows you to completely avoid complications such as fibrosis of the implant capsule and preserves the naturalness of the tissues. Reconstruction from own tissues, the so-called free flap technique, is carried out in modern technology exclusively using microsurgical surgical techniques. In this method, skin and fat tissue is removed from a selected part of the body (abdomen, buttocks or thigh) without damaging the underlying muscle tissue. The tissue is then reconnected to the circulation at the chest wall, where it is modeled into a new breast. The most difficult part of the operation is to expose and connect the blood vessels of the removed tissue flap with the blood vessels of the chest wall. During this procedure, arteries and veins less than 1 mm in diameter are connected to each other under a microscope to provide blood supply. The clinic uses the following techniques:

  • DIEP-Lappen: use of the abdomen's own tissues.
  • S-GAP-Lappen: application of a tissue flap taken from the buttock area.
  • TMG-Lappen: use of own tissues from a flap taken from the thigh area.

Breast reconstruction with implants

Direct breast reconstruction with silicone-filled implants is one of the simplest surgical forms of reconstruction. The biggest disadvantage of this method is that the human body constantly perceives the implant as a foreign body and tries to encapsulate the foreign body by forming additional connective tissue. However, the surface texture of the latest generation of implants counteracts this process; the development of anatomically shaped implants has led to a significant improvement in reconstruction outcomes.

Doctor of Medical Sciences
Head of the mammological center
Professor, MD, PhD
Head of the Clinic of Dermatology, Oncodermatology and Allergology
Professor, MD, PhD
Head of the Clinic of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery