In most cases, access to the spine is made through a small incision along the skin fold on the side of the front of the neck. As a rule, this incision is made on the right side of the neck, also in case of disturbances in the left arm.
Protruding fragments of the intervertebral disc, which caused irritation of the nerve root, are removed under a microscope. Blockage of both vertebral bodies directly adjacent to the removed disc can sometimes be avoided by implanting an intervertebral prosthetic disc.
In the event that the spinal cord is clamped, as a rule, after removal of the disc, blocking is necessary. With the help of these techniques, the spinal cord, after its release from clamping, can recover more easily, because. the spine in the area of damage will be at rest. The place of the removed disk is replaced by a small plug filled with bone tissue (the so-called "Cage"). The function of the spine through the attempted blocking is not disturbed, the overall mobility remains intact.
Head of the Clinic for Neurosurgery and Spine Surgery
Head of the Interdisciplinary Neurological Center
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