
The independent publishing house Focus appropriated Dr. Zarrasu, Head of the Clinic for General, Visceral and Minimally Invasive Surgery, in the summer of 2020 the title of German Leading Specialist in the surgical treatment of reflux.

Dr. Zarras has been treating reflux for over 25 years. He says: “This disease is very common. Approximately one in four people complain of reflux and one in ten will require anti-reflux surgery in the long term. 15 years ago, based on scientific research, I developed my own technique that does not require cuff shaping. In medical practice, the formation of a cuff is a standard method, after which patients complain of impaired swallowing function and inability to burp. There is basic scientific research confirming that one of the reasons for this is the cuff. I developed my own method in which the cuff is not formed, but the success rates of the operation are the same as with its formation. This eliminates the occurrence of the above problems in the patient.

Since 2019, Dr. Zarras has been performing this type of operation using assistive robots. Due to this, the procedure is carried out precisely and patients almost completely have no postoperative complaints.

The full interview with Dr. Zarras, the leading reflux specialist in our clinical association, can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lepfy8tbARc



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