
About the program

Diseases of the ENT organs (ear, throat, nose) in adults and children are among the most common, including in Germany. Each of us has come across a common cold, and a sore throat or tonsillitis.

Most diseases of the upper respiratory tract are caused by infectious and inflammatory processes, viral or fungal infections. Some diseases go away on their own, but some, if left untreated, cause serious complications.

The program of complex ENT diagnostics in the association's clinics makes it possible to timely detect and eliminate foci of chronic or acute infection, as well as prevent the development of disorders in the work of ENT organs.

Program "Otolaryngology"

Introductory conversation with the head of the otolaryngology clinic (history taking, final approval of the examination program and differential diagnosis)
Otolaryngological status

What is this?

A blood test for female hormones and tumor markers is an additional test that can be performed on a medical basis if there are clinical indications or suspicions of certain diseases. These tests are usually performed to evaluate women's hormonal balance and identify markers associated with cancer.

Examination, visual assessment of the condition of the mucous membranes, anatomical changes and the presence of pathology of the ENT organs; palpation of the salivary glands and regional lymph nodes.

External examination and palpation

What is this?

Laryngoscopy is a procedure in which a doctor evaluates the larynx and vocal cords using an instrument called a laryngoscope.

For what?

This study is necessary to diagnose edema, spasm, neoplasms or anatomical pathology of the larynx, which is extremely important, especially in the case of allergic reactions accompanied by breathing problems.


What is this?

Otoscopy is a medical procedure in which a doctor evaluates the external ear canal and eardrum using an instrument called an otoscope.
For what?
The main purpose of the study is to exclude hidden ear pathology, identify acute pathology, complications and concomitant diseases in the early stages.


What is this?

Rhinoscopy is an examination performed using a special instrument called a rhinoscope, which allows the doctor to examine the internal structures of the nose, including the nasal septum, mucous membrane, and nasal passages.

For what?

This procedure is used to evaluate the condition of the nasal passages and nasopharynx and can identify various problems and disorders such as inflammation, polyps, tumors, anatomical abnormalities and other conditions.

Video endoscopic examination of the nose and nasopharynx

What is this?

Video endoscopic examination of the nose and nasopharynx, in which the doctor uses a flexible endoscope with a video camera for a detailed examination of the nasal passages and nasopharynx. This is the most modern and informative diagnostic method.

For what?

Used to diagnose and evaluate a variety of diseases and conditions, including chronic runny nose, sinusitis, polyps, allergic reactions, anatomical abnormalities and more.

Ultrasound examination of the paranasal sinuses

What is this?

This is a diagnostic method that uses ultrasound waves to visualize and evaluate the condition of the paranasal sinuses.

For what?

This examination allows you to diagnose the presence of sinusitis without the use of an X-ray machine, visualize the contents of the sinuses, such as mucus or pus, and assess the blood supply to the mucous membrane, which can also be useful for diagnosing inflammatory processes.

Ultrasound examination of soft tissues of the neck and lymph nodes

What is this?

This is a diagnostic procedure that uses ultrasound waves to visualize and evaluate soft tissues such as muscles, blood vessels and lymph nodes in the neck.

For what?
This examination allows you to detect volumetric and inflammatory processes in soft tissues and lymph nodes. A doctor can use ultrasound results to make a diagnosis, develop a treatment plan, and monitor a patient's condition.

Three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) as prescribed by a doctor (for an additional fee)

What is this?

This type of diagnosis uses X-rays and computer data processing to create three-dimensional images with detailed visualization of the most complex pathology of anatomical structures deep in the facial skull and hearing aid.

For what?

Allows physicians to obtain detailed and accurate data and make more informed decisions regarding possible surgical treatment and diagnosis.

Medical reports of all examinations
Final conversation with the head of the otolaryngology clinic based on the examination results, and, if necessary, treatment prescription

Hearing diagnostics

The program contains all examinations of the basic package "Otolaryngology". In addition, additionally carried out:

Binocular microscopy of the tympanic membrane/tympanic cavity

What is this?

This is a method of visually assessing the condition of the eardrum and tympanic cavity using a binocular microscope with a lighting system.

For what?

A binocular microscope provides stereoscopic images, allowing the doctor to evaluate the eardrum and middle ear in great detail. This can help assess the function of anatomical structures and identify possible changes.

Tone threshold audiometry

What is this?

Pure-tone threshold audiometry is a diagnostic test that is used to evaluate a patient's hearing by determining hearing thresholds for different frequency sound signals.

For what?

This test allows you to determine at what frequencies and at what volume the patient begins to hear sounds.

Speech audiometry

What is this?

Speech audiometry is a diagnostic test that is used to evaluate a patient's hearing and ability to hear and understand speech at different volume levels.

For what?

This test determines what sound levels the patient is able to hear and understand, especially in the context of speech. The test results help doctors and audiologists decide on the best hearing treatment or correction, such as hearing aids or cochlear implants, and determine the need for rehabilitation and therapy to improve the ability to understand speech.

Speech audiometry, hearing aid monitoring

What is this?

Speech audiometry, performed in hearing aid monitoring, is an important step in the process of fitting and testing a patient's hearing aid. The specialist adjusts the hearing aid in accordance with the recommendations and prescription, after which the patient is asked to take a speech test. In this test, the patient may be given recorded audio signals of different speech, such as words, phrases, or sentences, and asked to repeat them. A speech discrimination test in a noisy environment may also be performed.

For what?

Based on the test results, the specialist can adjust the hearing aid settings to improve speech understanding and patient comfort. This monitoring allows the audiologist or hearing specialist to ensure that the hearing aid is adjusted correctly to meet the individual needs and level of hearing loss of the patient.

Impedance measurement of the tympanic membrane/middle ear muscles

What is this?

This is a method of assessing the response of the eardrum and middle ear muscles to changes in pressure in the ear using a special device - an impedance meter. The measurement results are displayed on a graph called a tympanogram.

For what?

Analysis of the study results allows us to detect disturbances in the function of the middle ear. For example, changes in the shape of the tympanogram may indicate fluid in the ear (otitis media), problems with the eardrum, or other pathologies. This procedure can help the doctor make a more accurate diagnosis and decide whether additional testing or treatment is needed.

Audio electroencephalography

What is this?

Audio-electroencephalography (audio-EEG) is a neurophysiological research technique that is used to record and analyze the electrical activity of the brain using auditory stimuli.

For what?

This method is used to study brain activity in response to auditory stimuli and to diagnose neurological and audiological disorders.

Duration: 1 day

Professor, MD, PhD
Head of the Otolaryngology Clinic

Diagnostic doctors
