
The principle of treatment in nuclear medicine is that a radioactive substance accumulates in certain tissues with a known pattern. Thus, the therapy uses the effect of biological radiation at the site of accumulation.

The most common treatment in nuclear medicine is the treatment of thyroid diseases, including hyperfunction, enlargement and malignant tumors of the thyroid gland. It is also possible to treat joint diseases with pain and relieve pain from bone metastases.

As a rule, treatment using open radioactive nuclides can only be carried out in a hospital setting. This is necessary in order to exclude any exposure to radiation on “outsiders”. In particular, we are talking about young children and pregnant women. Even if the danger is rather theoretical, these rules must be followed.

The therapy center has eight beds in bright and cozy rooms, each of which has a small terrace. Neither the disease itself (mainly thyroid diseases) nor the treatment as a whole have a significant impact on the patient’s well-being. In this regard, the general conditions should be similar to “normal life”.

Professor, MD, PhD
Head of the Nuclear Medicine Clinic
Privatdozent, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Head of the Nuclear Medicine Clinic