
Joint pain occurs in the hip, shoulder, or knee joints and is manifested by prolonged or sharp pain, often for many years. In most cases, joint mobility is limited.


Joint pain occurs due to wear and tear of the joint, which is expressed differently at different stages. The cause is mechanical overload due to congenital, acquired or trauma-related displacement of the so-called articular surfaces of the thigh, knee or shoulder. When the joint is deformed, the area of the transfer surface of the joint decreases, so that under load, the pressure on the joint increases by 4 (four) times.


Prolonged swelling of the joint, connective tissue disease, chronic inflammation or infection weaken the cartilage tissue. Only at this stage, the articular bag, muscles and tendons are reduced. There is rapid fatigue and pain during exercise.


X-rays show swelling and thickening of the bone tissue, as well as patchy bone cysts in the later stages.


Chronic wear and tear of the joint can be slowed down, but not stopped. Conservative methods of treatment are therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, drugs and injections. Surgical correction of deformed joints may be appropriate in the early stages. If the implant is the only solution to the problem, its individual selection is important, just as when choosing shoes, not only the size, but also the shape and purpose of the joint prosthesis is important.

Doctor of Medical Sciences
Head of the Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic
Dr. Daniel Radtke orthopedia v Germanii
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Head of the Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Head of the Center for Special Orthopedic Surgery, Onco-Orthopedics and Revision Surgery
Professor MD
Head of the Orthopedics Clinic and Endoprosthesis Center
Privatdozent, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Head of Orthopedics Clinic
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Head of the Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic