
Inflammation of the rim of the eyelids is an extremely unpleasant chronic inflammation of the eyelids of the eyes, mainly the lower eyelids. This disease can accompany a person all his life from the earliest years, and can manifest itself only at a later age.


There are two fundamentally different forms of inflammation of the edge of the eyelids.

  1. scaly inflammation of the edge of the eyelids (Blepharitis Squamosa) is characterized by redness of the eyelids and the formation of a scaly crust, especially at the base of the eyelashes;
  2. ulcerative inflammation of the edge of the eyelids (Blepharitis Ulcerosa)


  • scaly inflammation edges of the eyelids. The inflammation itself is caused by bacteria that collect under the scales and thus provide food for the inflammation.
  • Ulcerative inflammation the edge of the eyelids leads to the formation of ulcers and small bleeding in the area of \u200b\u200bthe edge of the eyelids.


Particular importance should be attached to the consistent care and hygiene of the eyelids, even after the elimination of painful manifestations.


Since blepharitis, that is, inflammation of the edge of the eyelids, is a chronic disease, you need to tune in to the fact that the treatment will take a very long period of time, sometimes it lasts a lifetime.

  1. Once or twice a day, warm wet compresses on the eyelids, then cleansing the edges of the eyelids with light pressure with a cosmetic stick with a cotton tip. As a cleansing solution, use a glass of warm water with 3 drops of diluted baby shampoo. Within 2 minutes, remove all scales from the upper and lower eyelids with a cosmetic stick. Rinse eyelids with cold water, pat dry gently with a clean towel.
  2. In addition to this daily hygienic “ritual”, you will be prescribed various topical medications (eye drops or ointments) that correspond to your type of disease.
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Head of the ophthalmology clinic
Professor, MD, PhD
Head of the regional center for diseases of the macula and retina