A cataract is a clouding of the initially completely transparent lens.
Cataracts can have a variety of causes, with the most common clouding of the lens due to age. In this case, we speak of senile cataract. This type of cataract occurs most often in people over 60 years of age.
As a result of large-scale observations, it was found that sunlight (ultraviolet radiation) contributes to the formation of cataracts. Therefore, it is advisable to protect yourself from strong ultraviolet radiation with the help of sunglasses from childhood. Food rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, can somewhat delay the development of cataracts in old age.
You notice that you look as if through a veil, which becomes denser with time. Sensitivity to bright light often increases.
В рамках офтальмологического обследования катаракта может быть выявлена при обследовании щелевой лампой. Щелевая лампа – это специальный микроскоп, который позволяет увидеть структуры передней части глаза при большом увеличении.
If the initially mild clouding of the lens worsens and the quality of vision deteriorates significantly, then the operation remains the only treatment option, which is usually painless and, provided there are no other eye diseases other than cataracts, almost always gives good results with very little inconvenience to the patient. The essence of the operation is to remove the cloudy lens from the eye by surgery and implant in its place an artificial, so-called intraocular lens.
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