Categories: Reviews

Elena G.

For medical reasons, I had to undergo endoscopic surgery. The question arose: where can it be done with high quality and with minimal risk? The choice was small: either in Moscow (in a good clinic with Ingosstrakh insurance, or in a local regional hospital). I don’t want to offend worthy doctors and other medical staff who are fighting for the lives and health of people, but in general, once you get to our hospital, you can only hope that you will survive after the operation. With two kids, I didn't want to risk it.

The Lord brought me together with wonderful people-doctors. Doctors, indeed, from God, Professionals with a capital letter, who cured my children.

When the operation became unavoidable, they advised to do it in a German clinic, with a doctor in his field, who had already performed thousands of such operations. On one side of the scale was my future life and health, performance, well-being of my family. On the other: complete uncertainty, the hope for "maybe", that everything will work out.

I chose the first one. From the moment the decision was made to the day of admission to the clinic, 1 month passed. After the necessary procedures, usual for traveling abroad, I ended up in the German city of Wupertal. My curator-translator and I arrived on time for an appointment with Dr. Hesseling. At the appointed time, we were invited to the office. The friendliness of the doctor and assistant was very captivating. Moreover, it was clear that such a manner of communication is natural for the “doctor-patient” dialogue. After listening carefully, examining me and taking the necessary tests, the doctor told me how the operation would take place, how intense and where it would hurt after the operation, how soon it would be possible to return to normal life. The operation was scheduled the next day. The doctor's appointment lasted approximately 1 hour. Then I was referred to an anesthesiologist who asked questions about my body and so on for 45 minutes.

On the appointed day and hour, my curator and I arrived at the hospital. Having registered me at the department, the nurse took me to a single room, which struck me because it looked a little like a hospital room: good furniture, a comfortable bed, a refrigerator, paintings on the walls pleasantly surprised me.

Мне оставалось только ждать… Было уже за полдень и меня охватила тревога, так как за мной всё не приходили. Известно, что в наших больницах оперируют только в 1-й половине дня. Ближе к вечеру операция началась. Когда я очнулась после наркоза, меня привезли в палату. Боли не было, только перевозбужденное состояние, которое не давало уснуть. Всю ночь ко мне заходили дежурный доктор и медсестра, справлялись о моем состоянии. На следующее утро, в 8 часов в палату пришел доктор Хесселинг с другим русскоговорящим хирургом. Спросил про самочувствие, осмотрел, поговорил. И опять приветливо, c участием. Провела я в больнице всего 4 дня, хотя могла выписаться и на следующий день после операции. Все эти дни врачи, дежурившие в отделении, и медсестры постоянно интересовались моим самочувствием и помогали, еcли это было необходимо. Перед выпиской доктор Хесселинг осмотрел меня и дал необходимые наставления. На следующий день я улетела обратно в Москву. На работу я вышла через 6 дней. После операции прошло 8 месяцев. Самочувствие у меня прекрасное.

Благодарна Господу за то, что в моей жизни есть ТАКИЕ люди: неравнодушные к чужой беде, милосердные, духовно богатые, человечные, высокопрофессиональные, ответственные… СПАСИБО ИМ И НИЗКИЙ ПОКЛОН


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